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The APOGEE Launch Monitor, is a camera based monitor capable of measuring club and ball data without requiring specialty balls or marked clubs. Starting at CHF 12'000.

Improve your golf, faster.


Where you hit the ball on the club face is the most important part of any golf swing. While other launch monitors provide raw data, APOGEE provides slow-motion replay of club and ball impact after every shot. When you focus on what matters, you improve your golf, faster.

The Apogee Makes Playing Great Golf, Easy.


Meet the features that make APOGEE the easiest launch monitor to own and use.


User Friendly

The Laser Launch Pad shows users where to place the ball and switches off when locked on to its target – minimizing frustrating do-overs and uncaptured shots.

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What APOGEE Measures

Ball Speed, Back Spin, Side Spin, Vertical Launch Angle, Horizontal Launch Direction, Club Head Speed, Club Face Angle, and Club Path.


Voice Assistant

Using your voice to control your golf simulator means less time on the computer and getting you through virtual rounds faster.

Get Started Now.


Data Driven Swing Analysis


Your Clubs, Your Way

APOGEE measures club and ball data without the need for specialty balls or marked clubs.


APOGEE Sends Shots Faster

APOGEE is powered by a new array of vision algorithims called Instant Impact. There is no pause between real-world strike and simulated ball flight.



Each system is sold with the APOGEE Intelligent Dashboard - a software solution that automatically calibrates, updates, and supports your device.

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